Commercial information about Senegal

Main export products: Raw gold, processed petroleum products, frozen fish, cement, phosphoric acid. Main import products: Machinery and transportation equipment, food products, petroleum products. ... Read More
BESC Certificate for Senegal

✅ Full Form of Dakar BESC Certificate

BESC Certificate - BESC (Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison) is a shipping document that eases the clearance procedure for the importer and helps the customs Authorities to observe and control the import traffic ... Read More

Required documents for Senegal BESC

In order to issue Senegal BESC, you need to provide below documents. Bill of lading Bill of lading is the most important document for BESC issuance since it lays out the fundamental information of the BESC. ... Read More

How ORBUS system works in Senegal?

ORBUS is a computerized system to fight against fraud and improper customs operations. Just like all exports that must get the BESC numbers, all imports should get an Orbus number. The Orbus system ... Read More